Piano Practice – Polishing Rough Spots

Here’s a common situation. You have a piano piece that you’ve been working on. You’re playing it pretty well — except there are a few rough spots that you just can’t polish. It’s pretty frustrating, isn’t it? Nearly all piano students have this problem. It’s all part of being a pianist, or any musician, really. … Read more

Fixing Rough Spots

The following are excerpts from the video Piano Practice That Pays Off – Part One. You can watch the video on YouTube. Here’s a common situation. You have a piano piece that you’ve been working on. You’re playing it pretty well — except there are a few rough spots that you just can’t polish. It’s … Read more

More Ways to Fix Rough Spots

The following are excerpts from the video Piano Practice That Pays Off – Part Three. You can watch the video on YouTube. Ready to give up when you’ve tried everything to smooth out a rough spot and nothing is working? Well, help is on the way. Stay tuned. Hi! I’m Dr. Lory. Welcome back to our series. … Read more