Online Piano Lessons

Online Piano Lessons

It’s an exciting time to be a piano student. In addition to taking piano lessons from a local teacher, students can learn online, with piano teachers who specialize in this new technology.

Online piano lessons perfect for students who can’t find a teacher in their area or who just like the idea of studying at home, at their own piano. Online piano lessons are also ideal for older students who may not want to drive to piano lessons.

I designed my online teaching practice using everything I’ve learned from four decades of in-person piano teaching. My online piano teaching system uses both acoustic and electronic pianos, multiple video cameras, high-quality audio, and the best piano education software.


You might already be familiar with using Zoom for video meetings. The company provides the technology to allow one-on-one meetings in high-definition video from almost anywhere in the world. It works the same way for piano lessons. All you need for online lessons is your piano, a tablet or computer, and the Zoom app.

You can download the free Zoom app right here. Install it on your device and adjust the settings so that your camera and microphone are connected. At your scheduled lesson time, you will call me using the Zoom app and a login code. You will position your tablet or computer to the side of your piano so that I can see both you and your keyboard. This way, I can watch how you play as well as talk with you about the objectives the piano lesson.

What You See and Hear

You will see me from four different camera so that I can explain piano techniques — above the keys, to the side of the keys, the pedals, and directly on me. When we study a piece of music, you will see my copy of the music, where I can annotate the piece to suggest how the piece should be played. And when an audio sample of music is needed to demonstrate a concept or technique, I will stream that music to you, along with our commentary on what we are listening to. Onscreen, there is also be a virtual keyboard that lights up when I play my piano. Audio from my microphone and keyboard are mixed so that you can hear both me and my piano clearly.

At Lesson Time

Piano lessons with me work just like in-person lessons. We meet at a regular time each week, coordinating our time zones to make lessons as convenient as possible. A minute or two before your scheduled lesson time, you will sign-in using the Zoom app on your tablet or computer. If I am with another student, you will wait just a minute in the Zoom waiting room until I am finished. After the previous student has signed out, you will join me online in my virtual piano studio. We will do a quick check of audio and video quality to make sure everything is working properly. Then, it’s on with your weekly piano lesson.

What You Will Need

Getting started with online piano lessons isn’t difficult or expensive. In fact, you probably already have everything you need to take online piano lessons with me. Here is a brief rundown of getting set up for online piano lessons.

  • Piano – Acoustic or Electronic with 88 Weighted Keys
  • Computer or Tablet
  • Web Camera
  • High-Speed Internet Service

That’s it. There will be some setup we will go through to make sure that I can see and hear you well. And of course, the most important part is you and your desire to learn to play the piano. If you’re ready to start your piano journey, contact me to talk about taking online lessons.