Piano Practice – Polishing Rough Spots

Here’s a common situation. You have a piano piece that you’ve been working on. You’re playing it pretty well — except there are a few rough spots that you just can’t polish. It’s pretty frustrating, isn’t it? Nearly all piano students have this problem. It’s all part of being a pianist, or any musician, really. … Read more

Fixing Rough Spots

The following are excerpts from the video Piano Practice That Pays Off – Part One. You can watch the video on YouTube. Here’s a common situation. You have a piano piece that you’ve been working on. You’re playing it pretty well — except there are a few rough spots that you just can’t polish. It’s … Read more

Get Ready for Online Piano Lessons

Congratulations! You’re starting piano lessons with Dr. Lory. Your first lesson is coming up. Let’s get you ready by helping with the technical aspects of setting up the space in your home where you will practice and take lessons. Equipment So that you and Dr. Lory can see and hear each other, you’re going to … Read more

More Ways to Fix Rough Spots

The following are excerpts from the video Piano Practice That Pays Off – Part Three. You can watch the video on YouTube. Ready to give up when you’ve tried everything to smooth out a rough spot and nothing is working? Well, help is on the way. Stay tuned. Hi! I’m Dr. Lory. Welcome back to our series. … Read more